BMF Hygiene Self-Audit App

by JayDub



A thorough checklist to help you benchmark how clean your practice is.

Welcome to our audit app – designed as a thorough, but easy ­to ­use, checklist to help you benchmark how clean your practice is.As we go through each room we will ask you how well you are doing on certain criteria, for example, “are hand washing/alcohol gel facilities available in the waiting room” and ask you to click “yes”, “no” or “N/A” if the point does not apply. You can also fill in notes on each point, to act as reminders for the future.Please make sure you tick an answer for each hygiene check – even if the answer is N/A because that bit doesn’t apply to you – to make sure you get an accurate percentage score at the end.When you finish, the app will add up your hygiene ratings for each room, as well as giving you an overall practice score.We hope you will use it regularly – on a monthly basis if not more – and display how you’re doing to the rest of the practice team.